About Us
Recruiters Overseas.co is a worldwide recruitment company for the hospitality & tourism industry committed to providing top-notch service to both business clients and candidates. We pride ourselves on delivering comprehensive and efficient recruitment solutions for your company.
Our team is made up of super professionals in the recruitment field with different backgrounds in hospitality and from different nationalities. We make the connection between the candidate and the company as assertively as possible, focusing on reducing the assignment time for your company.
Our Mission
Your dream job is part of our daily goal. We are happy to build the path to success for our candidates by providing all the tools, resources, and personalized attention they need to reach the top. Get in touch today and find out more about all the possibilites.
Career Pathways
Searching for a new job or transitioning to a new career can be overwhelming on your own. That's where Recruiters Overseas.co comes in. Our team of experienced career advisors will provide you with the support and guidance you need to take the next steps in your career journey. Make your appointment today on the Careers Advices menu and get inspired.
Recruitment Events
Working as a outsourcing company Recruiters Overseas.co, created Hiring Hall Day, which is an in-person and virtual job fair in different countries throughout the year. We provide a great atmosphere during this event, to help the candidates and companies to get a great match. Also, we can provide an exclusive Hiring Hall Day for your company, contact us for more details.